Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Catholics vs The Abelites

It is estimated that there are over 4300 religions in the world. Some are huge organized denominational behemoths such as the Catholics. Others such as the Abelites from North Africa numbered very few and have now become extinct. Both are loosely considered Christian sects but have starkly contrasting views. I find their views on on sex and procreation to be particularly interesting. Views and beliefs that ended in the demise of one and the innovative perpetuation of the other.

The Abelites worshiped a God that taught them you should practice sexual abstinence. Apparently Adam and Eve's younger son Abel (hence the name Abelites) didn't have any kids. This was interpreted by his followers to mean that he didn't have sex. Yeah right, since when is sex just for procreation? I am sure the young buck Abel knew all about the recreational part, but for what ever reason the fruits of his labors just never showed. But then again back in the beginning who would he have fun with. His mom, his older brother? Anyway, supposedly if you wanted to be a staunch follower of old Abel you hadn't better have sex. And thus we have a case of "my religion, my Abelites God is better than your Catholic God because we abstain from sexual intercourse". Needless to say most kids come to the world in the usual way. (you know what I mean) So the fine feathered Abelites aficionados became a dwindling bunch.

Contrast this if you will, to the Catholic system of beliefs which encourages procreation to the point of condemning the use of birth control. Contraception is evil and all sexual acts must leave open the possibility of procreation. I had a Catholic patient who after countless pregnancies, miscarriages and total of 8 live births fell victim to a prolapsed uterus. No great surprise, considering during most of her adult life she was 'with child' more often than not. A hysterectomy was recommended. She was emotionally devastated. Not because she could no longer bare children, but because she would be committing ultimate birth control sin. A hysterectomy. I mean she was seriously tormented by this and went to her priest to be forgiven. Through some confessional, hail Mary, mumbo jumbo, Catholic magic she was forgiven of her sins and had the surgery.

The Catholic church is the largest of the Christian brands of religion. A billion plus adherents, with new ones being generated in bedrooms and the back seats of cars on a daily basis. "My Catholic God is better than your Abelites God because we believe in producing a perpetual supply of young minds we can harvest". The females in the herd are expendable breeding stock and the male seed shall not be wasted. New adherents must be produced regardless of social responsibility. The Catholic God will provide for their physical and emotional needs, the followers need only concern themselves with bringing forth the numbers.